I have been very intrigued about some of your approach and research on somatic practices. Dieter, Ann, Cael, Matthew. When I started reading one of the module 1 handbook, I could not start but feel a squash in my stomach: "On this course we are coming from a starting point of embodiment. Embodiment does not separate mind and body. A separation of mind and body which is called Dualism, links knowledge (thinking, understanding, and ideas) with the mind only, and links sensation (hunger, growth and pain) with the body only; the dualist mind / body separation leaves the body as something that carries the mind around but is not a site of knowing." See. I do get this. Totally. Of course. But my experience with illness totally shredded/crushed/destroyed the relationship between my body and my mind. My body had betrayed me and my mind was the only 'thing' that was me. My body became for a very short period of time (probably a couple of month after my diagnosis) a thing ...